
As I started to travel more in my later years, I became interested in photography, discovering the beauty of nature. It has become my passion over the last ten years while living in Colorado. I suppose I had it hidden in my heart and soul – expressing myself through photography as much as through writing and poetry. As a little girl, I experienced the magic of nature through my eyes,which fuelled my desire to pursue photography later in life.

Rediscovering self-love revealed my special way of seeing the world through the lens of my camera. I have shared my art and poetry with people for a long time,and the response to my photos brings me immense joy, motivating me to further explore the world of photography.

A few Quotes of my photography from people ~

Your photos are always absorbing and beautiful and you have a
real gift for conveying the scene. You are very talented and one of life’s
precious souls~
Simon Hunt

You have a vey unique unmistakeable style I enjoy every picture ~
Carl D’Amico

Exquisite Eye ~
Bill Duryea

I know even before I see your name that these pictures are
you…Special and beautiful style ~
Clarke Poos

Your photos live and breathe beauty~
Yvette Gullard

Love the world through your eyes Jette. You
are an inspiration ~
Richard Showers

I am drinking in the sky of your exquisite photo’s ~
Rose Wilde

We are a richer country because of your creativity and
perseverance in your photography and your writing~
Lorenzo Lorenzo (US)

Those Quotes among many more inspired me deeply to understand my way of
taking photos and I’m very thankful for peoples interest in my photography.

I will share a few of my photographs and poetry on my gallery page with you too. 

With Love,

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